Do you have a baby that is crying a lot? Many parents are concerned that what they are experiencing is colic. This condition is really something that is very stressful for both the baby and the parents involved.

Many people are concerned that the colic that their baby is experiencing is going to damage them in one way or another but there is no evidence that this has ever been the case. If your baby is crying and you think it might be colic, here are some of the colic symptoms that are associated with this condition.

One of the first symptoms is the fact that your baby is crying at predictable times. This would include them crying for perhaps several hours at the same time every day. For one reason or another, this always seems to be the case with colic and the crying may come and go for no apparent reason. The only good part about these particular colic symptoms is that you are typically able to prepare yourself in advance for the crying that is destined to occur.

Another one of the colic symptoms that many colicky babies experience is inconsolable crying. This type of crying is something that you simply cannot do anything about. Typically, a baby will cry because they need something, such as food or a diaper change. In a colicky baby, however, you will not be able to do anything to get them to stop crying. You may also notice that they do some things such as curling up their legs, clenching their fists and even the muscles of their abdomen whenever they are experiencing a colic episode.

If you think that your baby is experiencing colic, make sure that you discuss it with your doctor to rule out any dangerous underlying causes. Other than that, it is just something that you’re going to have to deal with until it passes. The good news is, colic rarely last longer than three months of age and you will soon have your smiling baby back in your arms again.

Colic Tip #1

Be Patient: Colic problems will lessen with age, so realize that things will get better in the future. In the mean time, try to stay calm, reassuring and loving. The best thing for your child is a well-rested parent.


Colic Tip #2

Feed Less But More Often: Whether breast feeding or bottle feeding, try feeding a baby with colic half as much as usual and twice as often. Little tummies can’t handle getting too much too fast and the breakdown of lactose can cause an increase in intestinal gas.


Colic Tip #3

Enlist Help: One if the best things you can do if you have a colicky baby is to give yourself a break and get away from it all. Get your spouse, parents, aunts, uncles or even a babysitter to lend a hand for a while so you can rest and recharge your batteries.